~カトリック堺教会ニュース 2013年6月号より~

                                         橋本教会 西田 リザ


イエスさま  感謝します 毎日目覚めさせていただくことを。
         感謝します 無事過ごせた夜と、あなたが与えてくださった人生を再び生きる
         感謝します 日々の生活に立ち向かう力をつくる食物を、あなたは絶えず与え
とりわけ主よ 感謝します 救い主でいてくださることを。
         感謝します 私達の重荷を共に担ってくださることを。
         感謝します 私達がどれほどにあなたに愛されているかを示してくださること
         に。 アーメン

 詩篇62は教えてくれます。「神に信頼をおくならば、困難にあるときに、神は私達の救いである」と。神は 加護と導きを約束されているのですから、私達はただ神を信じ、神の御旨を受け入れる事にします。時々、私達は人間だから、神には不可能な事は何もないけれど、目には見えないものは信じがたいと言いたくなります。私達に最悪な時でも、すべてのことには理由があると信じます。
私たちに神は手をさしのべてくださることを信じ、神に心を開き 私達の中に神の働きがおこなわれるようにしましょう。 神の祝福がいつも私達のうえにありますように。

For most of us nowadays, we are mostly confined within the daily routine of our lives. Waking up in the morning, working in the day, and resting in the evening to get ready for the next day. These are the general cycle of our lives that we often forget to realize that in between these cycles, there are great moments to be thankful about. We are often burdened and say that there is nothing new in our lives, the same day comes and passes away but we fail to see that everyday is a new day, a new beginning and a new opportunity to praise and give thanks to God for the most wonderful gift He had given us, our life.Hence, I made this prayer to Jesus to express my thanksgiving
Dear Jesus,

 Thank you for letting us wake up every day, thank you for the night that pass and for giving us the chance to breath again the air of life you have given us. Thank you for the food you continuously provide for us that give us the strength to face the challenges of each day. Most of all thank you dear  
Lord for being our Saviour. You have been so good and merciful to us despite all our shortcomings and failures. Thank you for helping us carry our burdens and for showing us how much you loved us. Amen

 Psalm 62 tells us that we should always put our trust in God and that He is always our refuge during difficult times. God assures us of his care and guidance and we only have to believe Him and accept his ways. Sometimes, we say that human as we are, it is difficult to believe in something we do not see but with God nothing is impossible. We believe that everything happens for a reason even in the worst time of our lives. We just have to believe that God reaches for us and we just have to open our hearts and let Him work in us.  May God Bless us always
