~カトリック堺教会ニュース 2014年11月号より~

堺ブロック インターナショナルデーでの想い

                            堺ブロックチーム 村田 稔神父
    ― 515.66% ??? -

 サブタイトルに ー 515.66% ??? - と書きました。最近の統計が手元になかったので、ちょっと古いもの(2008年1月)を使わさせていただきましたが、これは、日本のある教区の日本国籍を有する信徒数と外国籍信徒数の割合を示したものです。外国籍信徒の数は、5倍以上だという意味です。ちなみに同年の大阪教区の割合は、79.67%、10名に8名近くが外国籍信徒になります。当然この6年間でいろいろの変化があり、この数字は学問的には何の役にも立たないでしょう。しかし現実的にいえることは、「日本の教会は、日本人だけの教会ではない」であり、私たち一人一人が、この現実を直視することが大切だと思います。当日の第2朗読で読まれたように、エフェソの信徒へのパウロの手紙に、「あなた方はもはや、外国人でも寄留者でもなく、―――神の家族です。」とあります。

             Sakai Bloc International Day: A Thought
                      ---515.66% ???---
First, allow me to express my sincerest gratitude to all of you for your countless support and active participation during our International Day. Indeed it took sometime for us to celebrate it once again in Sakai. Many worried about the weather due to the impending typhoon. However, because of your prayers and fasting, Heaven heard our petitions and we culminated the event successfully.
Many of you also shared some of their reflections and impressions on the event and it was greatly a positive experience. Hopefully, you have had a glimpse and a taste of the reality of the Church here in Japan.
This reflection is subtitled as follows: 515.66%. ??? Since I do not have at hand the recent statistical records, allow me to use a slightly old data (January 2008), and this shows the ratio between the Japanese parishioners and the Non-Japanese parishioners in certain Diocese here in Japan. The data showed that there is 5 times and even more in the number of non-Japanese believers. Likewise on this same year, roughly 79.67% or 8 out of 10 believers are foreign nationalities was recorded in the Diocese of Osaka. Surely enough, after 6 years there were a lot of changes and these numbers may not be of significant in a scholarly way. However it points to a certain reality that the Church of Japan is no longer just the church of the Japanese people rather it is the church of the people in Japan. And each and everyone of us must consider these with importance.
The second reading during the Eucharistic celebration from the Letter of Paul to the Ephesians clearly states, “we are no longer foreigners and temporary residents rather we all belong to the one family of God”. We may have our differences due to our nationalities but in the Church, in God`s family we are all the same; we are all brothers and sisters. Hence, we are all encouraged to make this more and more a reality in our everyday lives; in the community and in our commitment in the life of the Church. Recognizing our differences and making use of its richness requires a lot of courage and effort but if we all join our hands and willing to support and understand one another, then we can always achieve our goal to be one family of God.

