~カトリック堺教会ニュース 2015年5月号より~

The Necessity of Taking a Rest

                       Patrick Bascon
 “Then, because so many people were coming and going that they did not even have a chance to eat, he said to them, “Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.” (Mk. 6:31).
This year is a time for me to take a vacation. My 3-month vacation starts from April 7 until June 30. As you all know, the CICM congregation allows every missionary to go on furlough for a certain period of time, just to keep away from the hustle and bustle of missionary activities so as to be energized again by his family, friends and loved ones. Basically, vacation is permitted in every three years for three months, but in reality, it is not so easy to take a full three-month vacation due to the many responsibilities in the church. Thanks to the Sakai team and parishioners for allowing me to take this vacation.

 This time is not only an ordinary furlough but I will also attend a seminar organized by CICM. The said seminar is also known as an “ongoing formation” for the all the confreres who were ordained to the priesthood from year 2005 to 2010. “Formation” does not limit only to the lay and seminarians who are still in formation but it’s also to all the priests. Indeed, formation is an indispensable element in all levels. This is one of the reasons why the diocesan and religious are taking all the necessary measures to cater the needs of every priest.

 I am so grateful to the organizers of this seminar, which is aimed to gather all the young missionaries so they have an opportunity to look back their priestly life and share their missionary experiences. This is one of my much-awaited joys during my vacation. Meeting my batch mate for the first time in many years is also my great joy. There is a batch mate of mine that we haven’t met each other since we graduated in Theology and were sent to our respective mission place. Actually, 20 years ago, we were 24 young men entered CICM and aspired to become missionaries someday. After 12 years of formation, out of the 24 only 2 survived and finally became missionaries. One is assigned in America and presently working in San Antonio, Texas. On the other hand, though it’s nothing to boast about, but one is assigned in Japan and presently working in Sakai bloc. He is no other than but yours truly. Thus, seeing my friend, batch mates and my contemporaries is absolutely a great joy.

 “Get some rest”, as Jesus says. His message is directed not only to the disciples but also to the priests, lay and ordinary people. Indeed, rest is very essential for the health of our minds and bodies. God has given us only one life so we have to take e destroy it, then we can not anymore work,raise our family, relate with other people and communicate with God through prayer. When we are so busy and when stresses are building up everyday, don’t we really need 3R’s: refreshment, rest and relaxation? When a smartphone’s battery is dead, it needs to be recharged. We too, like smartphone, need to be recharged in order to effectively work in the Kingdom of God. So let’s energize! That’s why I am going to the Philippines!

                   休 養 の 必 要 性

                                  堺ブロック パトリック神父


  「しばらく休むがよい。」とイエスは言われました。このメッセージは弟子たちのみならず、司祭も信徒も一般の人々にも向けられています。確かにどの職場においても休みが欠かせないものになっています。神に与えられた体は一つしかないので、壊してしまうと、仕事が出来なくなったり、家族を養わなくなったり、人と関わることも祈ることも出来なくなったりしてしまいます。手が回らない程忙しい日々、ストレスが溜まっている日々、その時こそ、リフレッシュや気分転換が重要なのではないでしょうか。バッテリーが上がっているスマートフォンに再充電する必要であるように、私たちも、神の国で働くために、活力を取り戻しましょう。 再充電しましょう。そのために私はフィリピンへ行ってきま〜す!

