~カトリック堺教会ニュース 2015年7月号より~


                                堺ブロックチーム 村田 稔神父
「私たちは[平和を実現する人は幸い]というイエス・キリストの言葉にも励まされます。戦後70年、第二ヴァチカン公会議閉幕50年にあたり、平和を求め、平和のために働く決意を新たにしましょう。 私たち日本のカトリック教会は小さな存在ですが、諸教派のキリスト者とともに、諸宗教の信仰者とともに、さらに全世界の平和を願うすべての人とともに、平和を実現するために働き続けることを改めて決意します。」

                Blessed Are The Peacemakers
 This is the message Jesus had given us 2000 years ago. Likewise, these are the very words Jesus promised to all those who works for peace and understanding among people. It is also for those who supports, forgives and accepts one another from their hearts. These are no longer limited to human relationships but also to the whole of Creation.

 However, it is regrettable to realize that in our history as men and women, we failed and we inflicted so much pain on Jesus because of our self-centeredness and egoism. We think only of our own country, of our own family、of our own church, of our own community at the expense of others. Because of this selfishness, we have caused a lot of suffering to our very own home, Mother Earth. Indeed, we are week and vulnerable beings prone to mistakes and failures, but we are also able to reflect, look back and evaluate our own actions. We are able to ask for forgiveness and to forgive. We are able to rebuild and stand from our weaknesses.

 Soon we will be commemorating the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II and we remember the pains and sufferings it have brought to humanity and to the world. I was reminded of the very words of Pope John Paul II in 1981 when he came to Hiroshima. He said, “War is the work of man. War is destruction of human life. War is death."
Indeed, our tiny individual actions are not enough to change a country and the world. However, even if are living in this world of indifference, each one of us can become a catalyst of change by standing up and coming out of this circle of indifference. Just like the call of Jesus and the words of the Pope, even with our little effort, we can make a difference in this world.

 I believe all of us is aware of the message given to us by the Bishop`s conference of Japan and I invite you all to ponder on it. “We are encouraged by the words of Jesus Christ, “Blessed are the peacemakers” (Mt. 5:9). Seventy years after the end of the war and 50 years after the end of the Second Vatican Council, let us renew our determination to seek peace and to work for peace. We Catholics in Japan are small in number, but in union with other Christians and along with believers of other religions and those throughout the world who wish for peace, we renew our commitment to work to make peace a reality.”
