~カトリック堺教会ニュース 2015年11月号より~
             35th Anniversary of Osaka YCW         Fr. Patrick
This year marks the 35th anniversary of the foundation of the Osaka YCW Center, as well as, the 25th anniversary of Osaka JOC. The celebration will be held in Sakai Church on November 8, 2015. Bishop Michael Goro Matsura, who is in charge of Japan YCW, will grace the event together with some priests, collaborators and parishioners who have been supporting YCW for many years until now. First, let me briefly explain the terms: YCW and JOC. The abbreviation of “YCW” comes from the English words: Young Christian Workers, while “JOC” derives from the French words: Jeunesse Ouvriere Chretienne. “YCW” is widely known in many foreign countries but the word “JOC” is commonly used
by the ordinary people in Japan.

 YCW Center will commemorate its 35 years of service, at the same time, Osaka JOC will celebrate its 25th anniversary since the establishment of JOC that was started in Fukushima Church. In April 2013, I received my appointment as Osaka JOC collaborator. I am now currently involved in the activities of the young workers and presently residing at the YCW Center, which is located near the ruins of the famous tea master Sen no Rikyu’s house. In reality, I am actively involved not only in Osaka but also
the young workers of Sapporo, Tokyo and Hiroshima. Besides, I sometimes participate in the international gatherings of YCW.

  Looking back 30 years ago, there were so many members of YCW that made the YCW Center always
in a festive mood. They worked vigorously and played an active part in the society and church activities. Despite the differences of their working conditions, they gathered as friends, accepted one another and enjoyed their company. In my observation, the young people of today, are facing difficult challenges like overwork, bullying among workers, lack of competence, patience and etc. Because of these realities, there is a growing tendency to resort to mental illness and social withdrawal. Sad to say, they gradually lose their “place” or they will be “out of place” in the society. Yet, there are numerous JOC members who have overcome the struggles and have still the courage to work and fight for their rights. At the end, they proudly say, “thanks to JOC… or my encounter with JOC is a blessing…” I am really touched every time I hear them saying those words.

 I am often asked, what do you do in JOC? The most important activity in JOC is the “review of life and worker’s action”. This activity is guided by this process: See – Judge – Act . The main purpose is to see and discover the growth of every young worker as human being. Anyone can participate in JOC activity regardless of religion and nationality. JOC now has all kinds of members: who are mostly not
Catholics, who can’t find a job, who are weak in spirit, who have family problems and one is a transgender. Many young people remark that JOC is the only place where they feel at home, accepted and loved. That makes JOC activity a unique and special one!
 Youth of Sakai Bloc, would you like to join us? Let us change, grow and together live a life worth  living!         

                             堺ブロックチーム パトリック神父
 今年11月8日は堺教会にて大阪YCWセンター創立35周年と同時に大阪JOC25周年を迎えます。日本JOC顧問司教である松浦悟郎司教様をはじめ、今までご協力していただいている司祭方や信者さんと共に記念ミサを捧げ喜び祝ってくださいます。[JOC, YCW]という用語自体を目にすると、すぐ理解しがたいかもしれませんが、明確に説明させていただきます。カトリック青年労働者連盟は、英語でYoung Christian Workers(略YCW)ですが、フラン語でJeunesse Ouvriere Chretienne (略JOC)といいます。海外では「YCW」という略が幅広く知られている一方で、日本では「JOC」が一般的に使われている略です。




