~カトリック堺教会ニュース 2016年3月号より~
                                 堺ブロックチーム 高野 利雄
Ⅰ 大事なのは、自分の実存的生命である。多くの宗教が外側の御殿を築こうとするのに対して、イエスの説いた信仰は、人間を神の宮として、人間の心の奥深いところに神の霊を注がれた信仰である。(ヨハネ2)隠れた生命を芽生えさせ永遠に至るための自覚をもつことにある。それは、人間の側からの求め、叫びではなく、まず神の側からの、その霊の働きかけによって、開かれた新しい交わりを与えられた。わたしたちに霊を授けている具体的なしるしである主の祈りとミサ聖祭である。そこには、ゆるしを求める祈り、互いに愛し合い、交わりに生きる喜びがある。


Ⅱ キリスト者の信仰の喜びを感謝

Ⅲ キリスト者としての人の道

                   The Christian Faith
                                      Fr. Toshio Takano
Ⅰ The important thing is our existence, our life. Whereas many religions try to build external shrines, the faith preached by Jesus tells us that we human beings are the temples of God and that He sends the Holy Spirit to dwell in our hearts (John 2). To have faith is to be aware that our life blossoms and we are guided to eternal life. We humans do not obtain faith. It is not granted to us because we cry for it. First and foremost, it comes from God. The Holy Spirit brings us to a new fellowship, one that is ever open and welcoming. The concrete signs that the Holy Spirit shows us are the “Lord's Prayer” and the “Eucharist”. These signs contain the prayer for forgiveness, the command to love one another and a joy-filled fellowship.
All human beings seek the meaning of eternal life, but many spend their lives not receiving an answer. The teachings of Jesus, the begotten Son of God, shows us a conclusive evidence of what eternal life is. Many people miss the point that we are like trees planted in this world, born and raised to be loved and to bear fruits.
Because of our encounter with Jesus we are healed and we re-discover faith through the gospel.
People who live in the light of the Spirit are filled with joy, peace and freedom. They lead people to God’s love. For them prayer is not seeking for something, but a fellowship with Jesus. Because they know that having one person as a close friend enriches their lives, they want to walk with Jesus as their friend. 

Ⅱ Thankful for the Joy of Christian Faith
The Eucharist is a communion that God grants and which we receive. God gives us the best gift. Communion is the body of Christ torn apart and dedicated to God the Father. God grants us this gift because He wants us to receive eternal life. He wants to give us joy and the strength to live. Communion is a blessing beyond my birth and death.
We are thankful for having received this blessing and being made aware that we are loved. Christian faith is being thankful and being motivated to reach out to others.

Ⅲ Our Journey as Christians
 Becoming human by knowing God our Father, living according to His will, reflecting upon our existence as God’s gift and giving thanks and praise for the graces we receive.
Becoming a new person not because of doctrines and the words of other people, but because of the Word, which the Spirit and prayer teach us. In particular, we are taught by the words of consecration during Mass and the Lord's Prayer.
Living in accordance with the mission God gave us. Being aware that our value as human beings is not measured according to our educational attainments and social status but in knowing that we are God’s masterpiece created in His image.
Being aware that our existence has a God-given purpose and that by making use of our abilities we realize God’s plan for us.
