~カトリック堺教会ニュース 2016年6月号より~


                                 堺チーム司祭 山口 武史

                   Even if it is a mistake…

                                    Fr. Takeshi Yamaguchi
Soon, we will be entering the wet season. Some years before, I was like “ it is too humid and gloomy” but now, a “guerrilla” like (heavy) downpour of rain makes me worried. For instance, due to this heavy downpour, the car of my companion priest was filled with water and submerged. “Guerilla like” downpour of rain was coined to mean that just like a guerilla, one doesn’t know when and where it comes from. One time, in the parish where I was formerly assigned, an old woman mistakenly understood it as “gorilla” saying that the other day`s rain was a “gorilla” downpour of rain. She described it like a rampaging and angry gorilla. Clearly she misunderstood it but in the end I realized she could also be right.
When we talk about our faith, these things could also happen. There are instances where it seems to be a mistaken or wrong notion but after looking clearly, it could right in some ways.

When I was young, there was this young university student lady who received baptism. She was an energetic and spirit-filed lady and has already been serving as a leader even before her baptism. After being baptized, she gladly wrote an article for the church newsletter. The following is the content of her article: “I was very glad and joyful that I was baptized. Indeed, from this point onward, guided by Jesus and being a good businesswoman, I will sell and advertise Jesus not only to my family and friends but to every person I meet. This is because I am a merchant of the Lord”. Clearly, she mistakenly understood being a “witness (証人) of Jesus” with a “merchant (商人) of Jesus”. In order not to put her into an awkward position, the editor of the newsletter approached the priest who in turn commented that indeed her use of the words was mistaken but her intention and the disposition of her heart was marvelous and amazing. It was a new discovery.
Indeed, in life, to be right is more favorable but it is only in making mistake that can give rise to a new idea. This is true in the world of science and technology. It is often referred to as a “sound/healthy “mistake. Is it not good that by realizing and learning from our mistakes and failures, we can create a deeply rooted faithful Church?
