~カトリック堺教会ニュース 2016年7月号より~


                                     Fr.Armando Romero
 In this world we are living, there are tons of things that we are unaware of. There are a lot of “worlds” that we have no knowledge about. These maybe things and people that we do not know because they are not within the reach of our eyes where we can see them or talk to them. However, that is not only the case. There are things and people, who despite being very near to us, very visible in our eyes, we still act as if they do not exist, we talk about them as if they are different and we put them away within our boundaries.

 Jesus, in the Gospel of Mark, reprimanded his disciples when they try to put aside those who drive away demons because they do not belong to their group. Jesus told them “whoever is not against is with us”. However, does this also means that those who are not with us are against us? This is often the result when we put aside people and discriminate others. Sometimes, we can we guilty of discrimination even without our knowing. Our Christian life and faith challenges us to welcome even those who are against us, that they do have always a place in our circle only if we can give them a chance.
 Indeed, it is always good to work with people who are with us, whom we know hence creating a circle of companionship. But if this companionship becomes too strong and exclusive, then we risk blocking and avoid other people from joining us. We become an exclusive and closed group, thus failing to see the goodness of other people. This is true in all forms of our relationships, in the family, friends, and workplace and even in our church. If we only think of those who are within our circle, then we can never be aware of the larger reality. Jesus welcomed people of all walks of life most specially those who are forgotten and discriminated by the society. We are also challenged to see the worth and importance of every person we encounter in our life.

                        堺ブロックチーム司祭   アルマンド神父

イエスは、弟子たちにこう言われた (マルコ9-38-43、45、47-48)、「わたしたちに逆らわない者は、わたしたちの味方なのである」。

