~カトリック堺教会ニュース 2016年9月号より~


                         堺ブロックチーム司祭  パトリック神父
ご存知の通り、9月から堺ブロックのミサ時間が変更になりました。 それは共同司牧チームからの提案から始まり、各小教区の評議会において議題になり、皆で話し合った結果、「ミサの時間の変更」を決定することになりました。その変更をご理解いただいたことへの皆さんのご協力に心から感謝します。これからもよろしくお願いいたします。

   An Encounter with the International Young Workers
                                         By:Fr. Patrick
As you all know, the changes of the Sunday Mass Schedule in Sakai Bloc will start from September 2016. This was proposed by the Sakai Team and was discussed in the respective council meeting. After the consultation and discussion, we decided to change the schedule of the Sunday Masses of the 4 churches. With this, we would like to give thanks to all the parishioners for your understanding of the sudden change and your active cooperation.

 Recently, some parishioners asked me with these questions: “Father, when are you leaving? “Father, when will you take your vacation? How long will you be out? I really burst into laughter when they suddenly asked me those questions. It seemed that there are parishioners who think that the reason why there is a change in our Sunday Masses is because of my absence. Well, I can’t deny the fact that I, as collaborator of Osaka JOC, am often out of the town or out of the country due to some JOC gatherings and international meetings.

 In fact, this coming September 20 until October 9, I will be out again to participate in the International Council which will take place in Achen, Germany. This International Council is convened once in 4 years, will be held alternately in 5 continents, and the delegates are coming from 20 to 30 countries all over the world. The last Council was held in Ghana, Africa last 2012, in which I also participated. It was my first participation and it was very memorable and enriching experience. For Germany’s Council, there will be two young workers who will represent Japan JOC, and I, as a translator, will also go with them. Participating the event itself is interesting one, but translating from English to Japanese or vice versa is really a hard job and a tough work since I am not a professional translator. Nevertheless, encountering with the international energetic young workers, promoting cultural exchanges despite their differences in languages and nationalities, doing communication through gestures and smiles are extremely enjoyable. Even if there is a language barrier, if you have an open heart with a smile, then you can get through wherever you go. Indeed, a “smile” is like a passport to a happy life.

 For me, International Council is a place of many encounters with the young workers of the whole world. Until now, we don’t have that kind of many opportunities to meet with the young people. From then on, we should make a place of such encounter. That is one of the missions of JOC. This also applies to the Church where there are all kinds of gatherings. We must not wait for them but rather we have to create a place for real encounter with these people and with God. In doing so, the number of believers would gradually increase, the church would become alive, and absolutely become an abundant place. People of Sakai bloc, let us give importance to any encounter and together make the church an abundant and a better place!
