~カトリック堺教会ニュース 2017年1月号より~


                   堺ブロックチーム司祭 アルマンド神父 




             Jesus is the Ultimate Gift of God to Us

                  (Fr. Armando T. Romero, CICM)
 All of us want something new for this Christmas. Who would not want new clothes, new shoes and trending gadgets? Every Christmas season we expect new things to happen to us. However, will we really be satisfied with what we have? Will what we receive bring us the happiness we are looking for? The expectation drives us to thirst for all that is new. It is the same with our relationship with God. There is a great temptation to love God only because he could give us what we want. On Christmas day, God gave us his ultimate gift, the Gift of his only Son, the Gift of Himself. The question is, what becomes of our love to Him? Do we love the Giver because of the gifts, or do we love the gifts because of the Giver?

 The poor shepherds in the Gospel who welcome Jesus set an example for us. We come to Jesus empty handed. Like them, we do not have something to offer to God other than our very own presence along with our silent stories of pains and joys. In welcoming Jesus, we also had nothing but our simple and expectant hearts. Our presence is our simple gift to God. 

 God receives our presence and in turn gives us Jesus who is present in the Eucharist. He is God`s ultimate gift to mankind. The little child born in Bethlehem is born to us as bread. When we receive Jesus in the Eucharist, our empty hands shall cradle the child Jesus. When we say “Amen” our very own selves becomes a manger, a home for the child Jesus. God became a gift to us and he calls us to become gifts as well. As Mary brought Jesus to us, let us also bring Jesus to other people by allowing our goodness to shine in the world.
  Let us joyfully receive the newborn child! Let Jesus change our heart and mind.
