~カトリック堺教会ニュース 2017年3月号より~


                              堺ブロックチーム Fr. パトリック


                    A Lenten Message
                       By: Fr. Patrick
The season of Lent 2017 has come around.
This year’s Lent starts from Ash Wednesday, which falls on March 1. As you all know, Lent is an appropriate time to prepare and celebrate Christ’s death and resurrection. What are the essential things that we, as Christians, ought to do and prepare in this season of Lent? First, the things that easily come to our mind are charity works, fasting, and prayer, but the most important thing is to purify not the physical but rather the spiritual aspect. That is very vital for a Christian life. The following text is Jesus’ message to each one of us in this season. “Blind Pharisee! Clean the inside cup and dish first so that it and the outside are both clean”. (Mt. 23.26)
Secondly, we do and receive the sacrament of penance over and over again. This sacrament is really a gift from God, and we are deeply moved every time we receive this gift. Recently, I went to watch the movie “Silence”, a novel, masterwork written by the famous Japanese author Shusaku Endo. I was touched and inspired when I watched this movie. Let me share to you one funny scene as depicted in the movie.
There were hundreds of Christians, together with foreign missionaries who infiltrated into Japan but ended up martyrs by protecting one’s faith even to the point of sacrificing one’s life. Yet, there was a scene that the actor “Kichijiro”, who, many times, stepped on the engraving Christ’s crucifix, and renounced his Christian faith. Nevertheless, he kept on pleading, “Padre, I want to confess. Padre, please forgive me”. So he received number of times the Sacrament of Penance. In the original work, the priest said to him “though, I give you the sacrament, but I have doubt in you”. But in the last part, the priest, as admitting his weaknesses, declared, “there is no really such thing as strong and weak. Who can really say that the weak suffers more than the strong one…Go in peace!” In the movie, Kichijiro, whose role is similar to a comedian, portraits the new generation of Christians. Like him, I believe that we can fully experience the love and mercy of God if we humbly accept ourselves, no matter how weak and sinful we are.
Indeed, human being is truly fragile and weak. Certainly, each one has failures, shortcomings, flaws and weaknesses. But if we admit all these things and accept who we are, then we are beautiful creatures in the eyes of God. “Clean the inside cup and dish first so that it and the outside are both clean”. Though, this is difficult thing to do but a strong message for all of us. I pray that God may give us the strength and courage to purify ourselves not just the outside but also the inside. With a clean heart, let us move forward and embark a new journey!
