~カトリック堺教会ニュース 2017年12月号より~

初   心
                                  堺在住司祭 ダニエル神父
 皆さん‼ あなたの初心を覚えていますか?

 この世に生まれ私の指を握っていた小さな赤ちゃんの温もりを感じながら保った新しい生命に対する初心、恐れもありましたがときめきがもっと大きかった洗礼式の時 神様の前で誓った初心、今朝目覚めながら 新しい1日を与えてくださった神様に感謝して祈った初心を皆さんは覚えていますか?
たまにはあなたを忘れてしまう私たちにもかかわらず, 相変わらずそういう風な私たちを気遣ってくださるあの方の初心に感謝を捧げます。
      主の嬉しい降誕 おめでとうございます。

                     Initial Resolution
                        Fr. Daniel
Have you ever had experiences that you make resolutions when you want to begin something new? Your New Year`s resolutions, for example. Or have you ever determined to try to be considerate to your friends on the first day of your new school? I am wondering if you could remember your resolutions on the first day of your new job while looking at your-self in the mirror feeling nervous?

Do you remember your resolutions about new life while holding the tiny fingers of your new born baby? Do you remember the resolutions you made when you were baptized and feeling happy about it? Do you remember that morning when you were praying and being grateful to God because you woke up to a new day?

We try to keep our first resolutions in mind no matter when and where. However, it is not easy to do it all the time. We face difficulties in life and often times we forget our resolutions. This is perhaps because the road of our lives is not always flat and straight. Along the way, it could be bumpy and winding. There are times that we also walk along thorny paths and stormy waters.

However, even though we lose our way on stormy waters, we could find our way back if we can find the lighthouse that will cast light along the dark paths. In other words, if we could recall back our initial resolution in life, we can always go back to the right place.

I know of somebody remained faithful to his resolution and kept it always in his mind. Because of this, he was despised, humiliated, neglected and even was put to death by the people. However, no matter how much he was persecuted, he never forgets his promise, his original intention to save us all.

He is always there and is mercifully waiting for us to come back to him. Sometimes, we cannot see and recognized Him because of too much dazzling lights in the streets. We fail to hear his voice because we are so overwhelmed by the loud voices around us.

This coming Christmas, why don't we look and listen to Him in the silence of our hearts?

This year`s Christmas can also be called the 2017th Christmas in time. He who remained faithful to his promise will once again come into our lives. We can welcome and prepare a little dwelling place, a manger for Him in our hearts. Despite our imperfections, failures and forgetfulness, He never forgets us and always cared for us. With all these, there is nothing we give but our gratitude and thankfulness.

A Merry and Blessed Christmas To All!